Starward Whisky Distillery
APPLICATION: Distillery Cooling
CUSTOMER: Starward Whisky Distillery
LOCATION: Melbourne, VIC.
YEAR: 2018 (Part 1) & 2022 (Part 2)
PHASE ONE (2018)
The Challenge:
Starward Whisky operates a massive distillery which makes world class whisky. They were having an issue where the distillery, which doubles as a tasting bar, was excessively cold and used one simple gas radiant heater which warmed the immediate air around it. The heat was being lost up high and the G400EC systems gently push the air back down to the floor. The G400EC also offer Starward enough power to create air movement for cooling in summer.
The Solution:
Installed 2 x G400EC Sapphire Series across this massive high ceilinged distillery.
PHASE TWO (2022)
The Challenge:
With the distillery, blending space, packaging line and in-house bar all under one roof, New World Distillery faced a common challenge: How to regulate airflow to suit multiple areas of the business.
New World needed to find a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution that ensure a comfortable space for both their staff and bar patrons.
The Solution:
Spot cooling with a series of Onyx EC fans were installed in the control station for the distillery, the packaging line and the in-house bar, enabling New World to increase air movement and improve thermal comfort for staff and patrons.