Smithfield State High School
Sports Hall Cooling
Smithfiled State High School, Cairns, QLD.
Smithfield State High School is located in tropical Cairns, QLD.
The school had a significant overheating problem in their basketball and sports space all year round and approached Airius to come up with a cooling solution.
Airius provided a unique cooling solution using five of their G400 EC Sapphire Plus high-volume fans.

APPLICATION: Sports Hall Cooling
CUSTOMER: Smithfield State High School
YEAR: 2018
Smithfield State High School is located in the northern beaches area of Cairns and has 1,160 students from kindergarten to year 12. They have a basketball and sports hall which has an uninsulated metal roof and walls and it suffered from severe overheating during most of the year.
The hall was approx. 1,000 sq. metres in size and the floor to ceiling height was 6.5-7 metres. The school had considered the use of two large blades HVLS fans but there were issues around the supply and install price, and positioning of the units, along with having to reorganise the lighting. The school, via their contract electrician, Paul Stephens, approached Airius to recommend a cooling solution because teachers and students were always complaining about how hot it was in the space.
With sports such as shuttlecock, basketball, netball and other ball and non-ball sports played in the space, they required a unit that was cost effective, robust, proven as a cooling solution yet unobtrusive and easy to install.
Airius recommended the use of five of their exciting and innovative new Sapphire Series G400 EC SP high air volume, hidden blade fans, to solve the cooling problem in their hall.
These fans push out a massive 1580 l/s and at 10 metres distance from the discharge nozzle provide a centreline velocity of 2.89 metres per second. That’s fast. They also have a very strong thrust rating of 14.32 Newtons.
The Airius units met all their requirements.
Install was simple and the school’s contract electrician installed the units after school closing time and it took only two evenings.